Look what you did
Take Down
Let's make lots of money
I I were a rich man
Glitter Years
Put on your dancing shoes
Stepping up to fashion
Give a little bit
High crimes and misdemeanors
Pin'em down
Get ready to rumble
Bungle in the jungle
All about me from A to Z
Serial killer
Day by day
Be good to yourself
Days of our lives
Next time
Enjoy yourself
Gimme gimme gimme
I know I am a handful
Fame and fortune
Feeling alright
Hat tricks
In the ring
Love me... Love my messes
Hat's off to you
Sour puss
Pink shoe laces
Mommy's little mess maker
here comes those tears
Got to be real
Tie another one
Day in, day out
Hiding a bad hair day
Prime suspect
Days gone by
Finder keepers, losers weepers
Hooked on a feeling
So crabby
Give credit where credit is due
Beautiful sunday
Pin to win
On the mat
Hi-heel sneakers
I'm in the money
Ring around the collar
It's a jungle out here
Aren't you glad you're you?
Mad as a hatter
The shoe fits
Pose nude? You bet
Mad as a hornet
Day dreaming
Hat's off to
Stone washed
A brand new me
Make up? What make up?
Playing dress up
It's the shades
In for a penny, in for a pound
Tight fittin' jeans
I don't have a thing to wear
Head Spinning
So cool, just gotta wear shades
The lady is dressed for the ball
Please don't cry
Come on get happy
Hello old friend
All my myself